I'm currently a student at UIC, pursuing Bachelors of Science in Computer Science (Expected Graduation May 2018). My passion is to write code, and spend time outdoors to balance it all out. I started out with computers at a young age, where my mother used to teach basic computer skills for 3rd graders at an elementary school. I developed a passion for using and playing with computers overtime.In highschool I was introduced to computer programs such as word/excel/power point, to later repairing computers, then basic programming in Visual Basic and in my last year programming in Java. Due to my interests, and the satisfaction from making programs from scratch, the continuation of learning computers in college was a no-brainer. I'm a full stack developer, and enjoy developing from varying types/languages ranging from intrecate hardware up to gui design and most things in between.
UIC Open House 2017-SAT Sept 16 (I'm on the far right)
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